The Better Together Leadership Program was established in 1989. It is our Foundation’s longest running program. Currently it takes place at Cabrillo, Don Callejon, and Buchser Middle Schools.
A core group of firefighters meet with students every week and help facilitate different activities that will showcase their strengths and build on their weaknesses. Throughout the year they build on teamwork and leadership skills. The students are introduced at a young age to the value of reaching out in the community through specific events.
The Better Together Leadership Program will foster leadership skills through a variety of activities, projects and events. Facilitators, who are professional firefighters, will focus on modeling, teaching, and practicing life skills they use everyday in their profession. Students will also be provided with an outlet to openly discuss the challenges and opportunities faced as they transition into their teenage years.

The core values provide the foundation for the Better Together Leadership Program facilitators and are essential to the success of this program. These core values ensure that participants have a positive experience while involved in this program. The core values of this organization include:
We will show this by our commitment to these students. They will come to be able to look to us as mentors.
We will be able to adjust our activities and plans to meet the needs of the students.
We will display a genuine concern for the well being of our students. We are here to meet there needs.
We will look to positively affect our group of students. We will also be active participants in the program at large to help continue its growth.
Zach McGhie, Program Coordinator