Santa Clara Firefighters
— Who We Are —
The Santa Clara City Firefighters Union is dedicated to protecting the employment rights and working conditions of the sworn men and women whom have dedicated their careers to serving the citizens of Santa Clara and communities throughout the country through mutual aid.

— Our Members —
Santa Clara City Firefighters take great pride in the many disciplines that define our craft and the list of services we provide to the public continues to evolve with today's ever-changing world.

Our members also serve the community outside of their daily firefighting work, through community programs, scholarships, events, and charitable donations all organized by or supported by Santa Clara City Firefighters.
Santa Clara City Firefighters Union are made up of the ranks of Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Driver/Engineer, Fire Captain, Assistant Training Officer, and Deputy Fire Marshal.

— The Community We Protect —
The City of Santa Clara
Santa Clara Firefighters protect people, businesses and environment within the city limits of Santa Clara. Our sole mission is to protect life, property and the environment from any type of emergency.
Santa Clara Firefighters are responsible for responding to all emergencies, including medical calls, HAZMAT incidents, Urban Search and Rescue incidents, vehicle accidents and much more. We respond to a wide range of calls for help.
While we don’t have many wildland urban interface areas in the city, we also serve the greater Santa Clara County and State of California through mutual aid agreements and respond to wildfires and USAR incidents throughout the State.
The community of Santa Clara is very diverse and we are prepared to handle the wide range of demographics and various types of occupancies. The city itself is 18.4 square miles. Within the limits the city has a population of 129, 488. The population substantially increases during the day for the influx of workers to the many businesses in the city. Some of the businesses we protect include NVIDIA, Dell, Apple,and Applied Materials. Santa Clara University, California’s Great America and Levi’s Stadium also fall within our jurisdiction.
We are very proud to provide you with an extremely high level of service as verified by two independent studies and have received the highest level of verification possible, Accreditation from the CPSI. For more about our accreditation, you can go here. We seek to follow industry best practices and NFPA recommendations. For more on how staffing helps us fight fires, watch this short video from the NFPA.
Santa Clara Firefighters protect our community through providing all risk firefighters who are trained and equipped to handle any emergency. We feel very fortunate to have the support of our community to provide us with training, equipment and apparatus through your tax dollars.
— Our Stations —
We are very proud to have a high level of service to protect our community. Our 1st station was built in 1947 and our 10th station was built in 1986 with the expansion of the Northside and the convention center. The city has 10 stations in 18.4 square miles, which allows each station to cover just under 2 square miles each. This level of coverage allows our firefighters to arrive on scene very fast, usually within 4 minutes.